Sunday, November 13, 2011

Journey to Nottingham

Hi Guys!
You must be really tired after a whole day trip!

It started at 1.30am on Saturday,
waiting for the Airlynx Coach.

Then, a briefing by the President, Elliza.

The four-five hours journey then began!

The coach reached Nottingham University about 7.30am.

The tentative (taken from the Notts MSOC website)

Nottingham opening ceremony was held in Sports Centre.

And was officially inaugurated by Dato' Razali.

The Malaysia food festival then started as early at 9am!

Everyone was trying their best to get in.

University of Portsmouth had our representatives, opening their booth.

Our university also sent the football team, badminton players and a 'Batu Seremban' player.

(Football photos by Yee Jin Cheng)

We hope everyone had lots of fun,
enjoying the sports,
the foods,
meet friends,
and most of all,
we hope to see all of you in our next event!
So, be updated!

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