Monday, March 25, 2013

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2013 Portsmouth Malaysian Society

Assalamualaikum and Hello Everyone ! 

Yes it is the last and most important event for the Portsmouth Malaysian Society. 

In the past few months, the Malaysian Society had an amazing term having all those events and activities. And now, all those good times is coming to an end. The time has come for the current committees to step down passing the jobs to the new elected students. 

Current Malaysian Society Committee 2012/2013

All members of the Malaysian Society are welcome to join the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2013 as we encourage you to get involved!

The details of the event are as follows:

Event : Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Date : 28th March 2013 (Thursday)
Time : 3.00p.m. -5.00p.m.
Venue : to be confirmed soon

All the members will also have the chance to listen to the society final reports and its progress from the beginning of this academic year until the end of the term. 
Any question you might have can be ask on that day having a look at the society's reports, financial and so on. 
Therefore, it is very important for all members to attend this meeting as your vote will determine who will be elected as the new committee members to run the society.

Agenda of the event :-

> Recap on current committees 2012/2013 progress and reports
> Questions and Answer sessions
> Casting of votes 

There will be 8 posts that will be opened for nomination on that day:

1. President
2. Vice president
3. Secretary
4. Vice secretary
6. Publicity Officer
7. Welfare officer
8. Sports Officer

How the society run in the next academic year depends on you! So please do come as every vote counts! :D


Even if you know anyone that can lead, have the responsibility, then why not vote for him/her. 
It could be you! 
To ensure the event will run smoothly, those who are interested to run any of the posts are advised to email with complete personal details at  .See item below:

Name :
Course & Year :
Post :
Phone No. :

**Please be advised that nominees who fail to attend the meeting will be removed from the list and nominations will still be opened during the meeting.

Best wishes,

Chinese New Year Celebration 2013

Attendees of Chinese New Year Celebration
with the Malaysian Society :)
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
We would like to thank you to all of you that came for
the last makan makan
event of our academic year
Chinese New Year Celebration :D

The food was superb delicious
The game was  ultimately fun
The atmosphere was bizzare
The Ang Pau giving made you smile really wide!
yes I can see that :))

Hope we can do again with a lot more people next year!
Check the rest of the photos on one of our facebook albums.

The committee members wishing you Happy Chinese New Year