Hello everyone!
Phew!!! How did you find autumn?
We hope all of you stay healthy and keep safe.
Last Sunday, we had our first members-only meeting!!!
Thank you again to all for your support.
We hope everyone enjoy the evening.
We started the event with the registration and dividing into groups according to colours.

There are green, purple, orange, black, brown, pink, blue and red.
Members are divided randomly to give opportunity for the members to
mingle around.
The beginning of event was so good and
With members kept walking in and lining up for name tags and the committees with the preparations.
Before we started the first game of the day, snacks were served.
After munching up, everyone was then ready to play our first game:
"What's the Song?"
In this game, each group has to send two representatives to sing.
Not just sing normally, but with 'Transformers' mask on!!
The voice will sound very robotic and the others have to guess the song title and singer.
We realized Malaysians really enjoy listening to music!
And, of course, there was a lunch treat!
We had egg fried rice with grilled chicken.
And all-time favourite beverage, Ribena!
The second game is 'Musical Chair'.
Each group has to send three girls for the game.
Besides that, we had a mini-game of 'Typing Maniac'.
The rules is to type 'Negaraku' on your smart phone, with no abbreviations and no missing words.
The fastest person will receive a lovely box of prize!
The day ended with prize giving ceremony to the group with most points that day.
We had so much fun,
how about you?
We hope to meet all of you again in our next event,
A coach trip to Nottingham!
Till we meet again.